Tag Archives: stickers

friday blinks – 1/20/11

20 Jan

Here is a list of sites we’ve come across throughout the past couple weeks that we think are worth sharing. We call it friday blinks.

A Journey in Typography
A blog curated by U.K. designer Ged Palmer. What a fantastic collection.
(via Jeff Rogers/twitter)

The Master Cleanse
Awesome short film with titles by Erik Marinovich, ½ of Friends of Type. Wear your headphones…NSFW stuff.
(via Friends of Type/twitter)

White room + stickers + kids
Artist Yayoi Kusama constructed a stark white space installed in the Queensland Gallery of Modern Art. Then over two weeks time, gave child visitors thousands of colorful stickers to decorate however they wished, resulting in an extremely brightly-colored room. Very cool.
(via Stephen Kissel/twitter)

Fotoshop by Adobé
Jokes and jokes and jokes and jokes.
(via Evan Stremke/twitter)

How to Make a Font
Minneapolis-based type designer Chank Diesel makes a 5-point list on how to create your own typeface! Easy peasy.
(via Chank Diesel/twitter)

In other news…
This is my 100th post here on designblinks! Thanks for all of the sharing and support. I hope to make this into an even better-running blogity machine in 2012.