Tag Archives: type design

friday blinks – 1/6/12

6 Jan

Here is a list of sites we’ve come across throughout the past couple weeks that we think are worth sharing. We call it friday blinks.

What I Learned This Year 2011 by Scott Hill
Fantastic points about design and life by Denver-based Scott Hill.
(via Scott Hill/twitter)

Q&A with Hannes Beer
Short interview about Mr. Beer’s 365 project, The All Day Everyday Project. I’ve been keeping up with this since day one. Impressive that he creates some of those pieces within an hour.
(via Hannes Beer/twitter)

The Dieline’s year-end wrap-up
Nice list to get back into the swing of things after the break.
(via David Sizemore/twitter)

Pantone’s 2012 Color of the Year
Pantone announces it’s 2012 color of the year: Pantone 17-1463 Tangerine Tango
(via Dave Waite/twitter)

Brazilian Police/type designers
Very interesting and smart concept. A signature with heroin and assault rifles.
(via Under Consideration/twitter)

In other news…
This year, I contributed to Chris Streger’s To Resolve Project. If you haven’t seen it, it’s a great way for designers to publicly announce their New Year’s resolutions with great design. Here’s my contribution.