Tag Archives: gradients

friday blinks – 4/27/12

27 Apr

Here is a list of sites we’ve come across throughout the past couple weeks that we think are worth sharing. We call it friday blinks.

Stay Up Late
Michael Bierut, Partner of Pentagram Design New York explains how staying up late allowed him to get a competitive edge, grow, get better, get faster, and ultimately propel his career by working a self-motivated second shift. I’ve been trying to do this lately and I seem to have more creative energy throughout the day.
(via Gabby Valdespino/twitter)

Process of an 11-color screen print
Registration craziness.
(via Jay Schaul/twitter) (via Adam Garcia/twitter)

I am Big Bird
If you or anyone else you know has ever watched Sesame Street, please watch or share this. I was never a big Big Bird fan…I always thought he was a giant, whiny bird with constant nasal congestion. But watching this gave me chills.
(via Jerry Hsiao/twitter)

Samuel L. Jackson explains.
(via Chris Allen)

Parra gets weird
Dutch artist Parra kills it with a huge mural, titled “Weirded Out” in the SFMOMA. Love this guy’s style. Big, bold, simple…oh and boobs.
(via Secret Castle/blog/twitter) (via Parra/twitter)